
Moving Forward in Community
You are not alone in your pain. When a loved one identifies as LGBTQ+, you may feel numb, angry, bewildered, and afraid. That’s okay. Many others walk this same road, and they want to accompany you.

Moving Forward in Hope: A Devotional for Families of LGBTQ Loved Ones
Moving forward in hope may seem out of reach, but it’s not impossible. As we walk our journey of a loved one identifying as LGBTQ+, we have a choice to make. We either invite God into our pain and allow Him to minister to us, or we push Him aside and attempt to navigate our losses and challenges without Him.

Your True Identity
Who am I? Every person at one time or another seeks an answer to that question. But our determination to create a sense of identity, wholeness, and purpose apart from God can trap us in a cycle of confusion, frustration, and destructive habits.

A Wife’s Perspective
This is a resource for wives who are dealing with their husbands’ sexual compulsions. One wife shares, “When I was able to relinquish my control to God, I came to know, at a deeper level, the One who could restore my trust. If we look to our husbands, we are looking in the wrong direction and at the wrong source”. A Wife’s Perspective reminds women that God is faithful and will never abandon His people during this very difficult journey.
Understanding Gender Confusion
Sometimes people think if they pray or wish hard enough, their transgender tendencies will just disappear. This is an unrealistic expectation. It is not reasonable to expect an overnight change in the area of gender or sexual confusion because the problem takes years to develop. Most often the restoration process is lengthy, as healing requires very hard work and a long-term commitment. But change is possible and the effort is worth it!

My Daddy’s Secret
My Daddy’s Secret is the sensitive, heartbreaking, true story of the effects of a father’s secret sexual addictions on his family-particularly on his oldest daughter, with whom he made his confidante when she was just nine years old. The author hopes this book will provide new insights into the suffering that such addictions inflict upon families and proof of God’s amazing grace in healing that pain.

Dangerous Affirmations: I Wonder If My Daddy Wanted a Girl?
“Dangerous Affirmations” is a personal story of a young boy who shares his struggle of living in his male gender. As a child, his grandmother dressed him in a dress, while his father affirmed him looking pretty. “Dangerous Affirmations” addresses this from a Christian standpoint.

It Is Well With my Soul: Finding God’s Peace
Life is hard in this fallen world. Sometimes it can become more di cult because of our lack of willingness to walk in faith when we are faced with tribulations. We all face pain and heartache. It is my hope that no matter what you are facing, this workbook for families of LGBTQ+ loved ones will point you to the right perspective and land having the freedom of being able to sincerely say it is well with my soul. This book will point you toward the right perspective A study guide is provided for self-examination of walking through any difficult and painful journey.

Transgender Confusion: A Biblical Based Q & A For Families
Having a loved one who identifies as the opposite gender from what he or she was born with is very challenging for families. They face situations that will stretch everyone’s emotional and spiritual strength. This book demonstrates how the Bible brings clarity to the issues of identity and sexuality.

When Hope Seems Lost
There is a great deal of mystery and confusion about how to deal with transsexuality in the Christian community. This book provides a resource to families that have faced or are facing this issue by offering hope, support and the affirmation that they are not alone.