Register Now: Unwavering Hope

Hope Is


We are here to bring healing, to give hope, to be a redemptive resource in families filled with hurt and shame.

Living Stones Ministries is a non-profit, Christ-centered, non-denominational organization dedicated to helping families with issues of homosexuality and transgenderism.

Living Stones Ministries is part of a network of ministries around the world–“Proclaiming, educating, and impacting the world with the Biblical truth that freedom from homosexuality is possible when Jesus is Lord of one’s life.”

Living Stones Ministries takes its name from the Bible verse in I Peter 2:4-5: “As you come to Him, the living Stone—rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to Him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” 


Please join us. Every third Sunday Living Stones Ministries will hold a Prayer Sunday Conference Call at 5 PM (PST). If you are interested in joining us for prayer for your loved one, for yourself, and for others, call our office for the details at 626-963-6683.

You may send us a prayer request through the form below and we will join with you in lifting up burdens and praises during this challenging journey. 

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