The Inescapable Sense of Wrongness

English poet Alexander Pope once wrote, “One truth is clear, whatever is, is right.” But most of us would emphatically say that there are many situations and actions in this world that are not right. In fact, as the Bible plainly reveals, much of what is, is wrong. The apostle Paul wrote, “There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one” (Romans 3:10). This lack of righteousness—right thinking and…

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The Value of Change

God expects His people to learn and grow throughout their lives. If we hold wrong beliefs (opinions), we need to accept that our views are mistaken, and we need to replace those wrong notions with the right views based on universal principles. Maybe you can identify with this person’s struggle to release destructive opinions: When I was in church or with my Christian friends, they would just tell me that the behavior was wrong, and I should repent. They didn’t know how many times I had tried quitting, how many times I had tried to be a good Christian. When…

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Transforming Freedom

I want to begin by saying thank you to all the prayer warriors, parents, and friends who have kept your struggling loved ones in your prayers. I testify to the power of prayer. God still performs miracles, and He’s sitting on His throne! Although I grew up living with my mother and stepfather, I vaguely remember the presence of my father, and the few memories I have are pleasant. My parents divorced when I was about five years old, and I had to learn to live with the man my mom chose as her new husband. When I was about…

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Marriage has become a controversial issue in the Christian community. But it shouldn’t be. Marriage was created and defined by God as a holy union between one man and one woman. His ultimate goal in a marital union is for husbands and wives to have oneness expressed within a relationship bound together by a Holy Covenant. Any other union is an imitation—designed by the Master of Deception, not God. Do you remember how you felt last year when you first heard the U. S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the legalization of same-sex marriage? I experienced an initial disbelief. I was…

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When Compassion is Not Enough

Compassion is at the heart of the gospel. Because of His compassion, God sent His Son to save a world full of sinners. Without doubt, the world is a better place when human hearts, like God’s heart, are moved by compassion. But compassion does not—cannot—stand alone. In this fallen world Bradley referred to, sin has consequences. So while we must treat our fellow sinners with godly compassion, we also must treat sin with godly disdain. Bromide it may be considered, but fundamental truth it is that Christians must love the sinner but hate the sin. God’s Word simply does not…

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The Greatest Love

Ask someone for a list of favorite romantic stories and Gone with the Wind may be near the top. Ever since Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh immortalized Margaret Mitchell’s epic tale, millions of moviegoers have wondered how Scarlett O’Hara could have resisted Rhett Butler’s charm so long, then trampled on his heart so cruelly. And yet she did. For most of the story, Scarlett rebuffs Rhett’s attempts to win her love. Then, when necessity compels her to accept his marriage proposal, she still remains blind to the depth of his love. Not until he reaches the breaking point and walks…

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Run with Perseverance

Before you opened this book, you may have wondered if God is still in the miracle business. The Bible tells stories of transformation, but does God perform healings of mind, body, and soul today? The real-life stories shared in Just Give Me Jesus testify to the reality of transformation. You can’t deny that God still brings about a dramatic change in those who once pursued a homosexual life. I imagine most people, whatever their background, wonder if transformation is possible. The Bible gives an emphatic answer: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified,…

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February Blog

Sometimes reflecting on circumstances surrounding a loved one believing their homosexual, can be over whelming and filled with what seems hopeless. We pray and pray, and pray some more. But yet from sight prayers don’t appear to be answered. Weariness can make the heart heavy, and we drown in hopelessness as we beg God to answer our request and do it now. It’s very likely the God look on His people wondering where’s their faith. We speak on faith, love and grace. But when circumstances surround a family with a transgender loved one, we can begin to see through the…

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Life Changes

The mother’s heart grieved as the son God had created and blessed her with walked deeper into the gay (original text is GID) lifestyle. Six long years she watched him pursue this deception and turn his back on all who loved him. As Joseph was taken from his homeland to be sold to an Egyptian slave master, did he wonder why God wasn’t helping him? Back home, his father, Jacob, grieved, believing Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. No waiting by Jacob for returning so; just life long grief. But God had a plan to save all people,…

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Christmas Wishes

Denise and the Staff and Board of Living Stones Ministries wish to send a Merry Christmas to you. As Christmas approaches, know you are in my prayers. May you be filled with joy and laughter as you celebrate our Lord’s birth. You are treasured by God and by us, and we are thankful for the opportunity to walk with you on your life’s journey. Thank you for being our precious family and honoring us with your prayers and gifts that enable us to continue in ministry! May the Eternal God, who hears every prayer, bless you and your family this…

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