What We Offer
Embracing Masculinity in a Changing Society
I was waiting to board a flight when I noticed two young men that appeared to be a couple. One of the men appeared to be approximately 18 to 20 years old. He had a dark complication, black hair, and brown eyes. But perhaps most noticeable about him was the strong feminine body language he displayed. He gracefully moved his hand toward his boyfriend’s face in the exact manner that a woman would slide her hand gently over her male partner’s face. His partner was a handsome 25-year-old man. His appearance was such that a mother might pick him out…
When Transgender Behaviors Emerge in the Church
When transgender behaviors emerge in a church, its members are often startled. Some become uncomfortable and confused. Church leaders are likely uncertain of how to respond. A basic question many ask is, “What does the Bible have to say on this matter?” The primary Bible verse that appears to address the issue of transgender behavior is Genesis 1:26–27, which says, “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let him rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the…
As summer approaches, love is in the air
As summer approaches, love is the air. Does this sound familiar? Love should be something expressed in each day of life. Loving someone as God loves us does not change, not in reality? Many have been told in no uncertain terms, if we don’t accept the decisions of a loved one in a same sex relationship or transitioning to the opposite sex, we don’t truly love our love one. But in truth, our love does not diminish due to how he or she has decided to live their life. Yet cultural tells us otherwise, and sometimes this causes the family…
He knows his mom’s love is ever present!
In the last few years, I’ve come to know Melissa and her family very well. I’ve witnessed firsthand the love she has for her son who lives the homosexual lifestyle. Several times, I’ve marveled at how her love for God grows steadily and how He strengthens her each day in each challenge she faces with her son, Jason. Melissa never seems to lose faith in God or her hope for the redemption of her son, who seems so far away from the God whose love pours down like rain over him. Melissa’s family is continually challenged by the situations they…
Can you imagine Jesus asking you for a drink from the well?
Can you imagine Jesus asking you for a drink from the well? It is likely that the Samaritan woman at the well was confused Jesus asked “Will you give me a drink?” After all, she was a Samaritan woman and He is a Jew. It is a known fact that the Jews and Samaritans did not share a mutual love of one another. There are countless modern parallels to the Jewish-Samaritan enmity—at that time people were divided by racial and ethnic barriers, just as our culture is today over the issues of transgenderism and homosexuality. Sometimes reaching out to…
Dear Friends
Dear Friends, Many of us have cherished Christmas memories and stories. But while reminiscing feels good in the moment, our family’s present circumstances can threaten to overshadow the true reason for the season. Because perhaps more than any other holiday, Christmas is loaded with emotions and expectations. Christian families with gay and transgender loved ones often feel particularly helpless this time of year when the longing for joy and peace collides with unwelcome anxiety and conflict. We may find despair in our family’s current “story.” Just when hope seems far-off – God is with us. Immanuel. Two thousand years ago,…
May your heart be blessed this Thanksgiving with the joy that comes from the living God.
Thanksgiving is a national holiday that speaks of grateful hearts for the year’s blessings, and especially for the harvest. This is a holiday that has not only cultural traditions, but also religious roots. Many homes have culture-based decorations such as corn stalks and pumpkins to symbolize the holiday. But many also precede the meal, with heart-felt prayers of gratitude for the meal and for all God’s blessings. The cooks have spent many hours preparing the meal that is about to be devoured. The fireplace is lit, the smell of turkey permeates the kitchen, and pumpkin pies sit by temptingly. Family…
The “My Truth” Delusion
By Denise Shick You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, “You did not make me”? Can the pot say to the potter, “You know nothing”? Isaiah 29:16 (NIV) Can you imagine how shocked a potter would be if the pitcher she was shaping on her potter’s wheel suddenly shouted, “I don’t want to be a pitcher. I want to be a vase!” That’s impossible, of course. And maybe that’s one reason God used the analogy of a potter and a…
Envy’s Destructive Path
By Denise Shick For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. James 3:16 God desires us to see ourselves as he sees us a male or female He wove together. He made each of us with special gifts, skills, and interests to be used for His glory. When we get too focused on the things we want that we don’t have, even admiration of the other gender can lead to destruction. Jump to Section You Shall Not Covet…Anything The Danger of Desire Envy and Gender Confusion Chris Beck, “I Lived in Hell for 10…
Parents, Defend Your God-Given Rights
by: Denise Shick “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring are a reward from him.” – Psalm 127:3 School districts across the United States are enacting policies that undermine the authority of parents to determine what is best for their children. In a Michigan middle school, teachers were advised not to notify parents of their child’s transgender status. Similarly, a Maryland school district unveiled a book list for teachers that will promote LGBTQ ideology under the guise of teaching students about “diversity not anatomy” to circumvent a parent’s right to opt-out of sexual health-related topics. And according to mother Bo Begalman, the gender policy in…