What We Offer
Jesus Came to Heal
Jesus Came to Heal. After a 10-year uphill journey, I no longer see myself as the ex-wife of a transgender individual. I am Ester. God did something for me, and he’ll do it for you because he’s no respecter of persons. I’ve been through a storm, as many of you have. I looked up the word storm in the Bible’s original languages—Hebrew and Greek. Strong’s Concordance has many words for storm. It can mean earthquake, shaking, flooding, water, rain, and wind. It can refer to a physical storm, but it can also refer to an inner shaking. All these storms—inside…
How should the church respond to our loved ones who identify as transgender?
How should the church respond to our loved ones who identify as transgender? Recently, after a phone conversation with a church leader in Texas, my heart was troubled. It seemed as if I had traveled back in time—back to when I was a little girl who desired the church to know what our family was living through with my dad. Years later, after he left my mother and became Becky, I was disheartened again when I discovered that the church he was attending in Pittsburgh, PA, supported his new identity. How could I not feel sad? I wondered then—as I…
Does God want you stay in your grief?
Does God want you stay in your grief? When you hear the words of a loved one identifying at gay or transgender, your heart sinks and grief appears to be overwhelming. I was reminded of this while listening inventively to family members who recently came into the office, and looked for someone to understand the grief they are experiencing at this time. Job feels like his only hope in the midst of the council he has received is to have a personal audience with God. Job looked for some relief with the sadness and the extreme loss he was in…
Dear Friends
Dear Friends, Many of us have cherished Christmas memories and stories. But while reminiscing feels good in the moment, our family’s present circumstances can threaten to overshadow the true reason for the season. Because perhaps more than any other holiday, Christmas is loaded with emotions and expectations. Christian families with gay and transgender loved ones often feel particularly helpless this time of year when the longing for joy and peace collides with unwelcome anxiety and conflict. We may find despair in our family’s current “story.” Just when hope seems far-off – God is with us. Immanuel. Two thousand years ago,…
He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands
Do you remember the song “He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands”? Recently I was reminded of this song. As we approach Thanksgiving time, your world may be going in many different directions. You are going here and there, preparing for this and that. Then, on top of it all, your family is facing some difficult challenges as the holiday season approaches and worries start to overcome you. Worries come at a price. That is why God warns us, “Do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body,…
The “My Truth” Delusion
By Denise Shick You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, “You did not make me”? Can the pot say to the potter, “You know nothing”? Isaiah 29:16 (NIV) Can you imagine how shocked a potter would be if the pitcher she was shaping on her potter’s wheel suddenly shouted, “I don’t want to be a pitcher. I want to be a vase!” That’s impossible, of course. And maybe that’s one reason God used the analogy of a potter and a…
Envy’s Destructive Path
By Denise Shick For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. James 3:16 God desires us to see ourselves as he sees us a male or female He wove together. He made each of us with special gifts, skills, and interests to be used for His glory. When we get too focused on the things we want that we don’t have, even admiration of the other gender can lead to destruction. Jump to Section You Shall Not Covet…Anything The Danger of Desire Envy and Gender Confusion Chris Beck, “I Lived in Hell for 10…
Parents, Defend Your God-Given Rights
by: Denise Shick “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring are a reward from him.” – Psalm 127:3 School districts across the United States are enacting policies that undermine the authority of parents to determine what is best for their children. In a Michigan middle school, teachers were advised not to notify parents of their child’s transgender status. Similarly, a Maryland school district unveiled a book list for teachers that will promote LGBTQ ideology under the guise of teaching students about “diversity not anatomy” to circumvent a parent’s right to opt-out of sexual health-related topics. And according to mother Bo Begalman, the gender policy in…
Support Teachers With Prayer
By Denise Shick “I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strengththrough His Spirit.” Ephesians 3:16 (NLT) “You know this has been weighing heavily on my heart for quite some time.” The urgent tone ofthe email pierced my heart. The 22-year veteran middle school teacher—I’ll call himTom—wanted prayer support. “I am being forced to teach a controversial curriculum … thatboth violates my conscience and is opposed to my religious beliefs. … I must teach about sexualorientation, gender identity and expression, and abortion (to name a few) and equip kids withresources and clinic information to enable…
Five Affirmations Youth Need Daily
Jesus said, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 (NLT) According to a recent Gallup poll, the percentage of US adults who self-identify as “something other than heterosexual has increased to a new high of 7.1%—double the percentage from 2012, when Gallup first measured it.” More alarming is that “roughly 21% of Generation Z Americans” (born between 1997 and 2003) identify as LGBT.¹ Why are so many young people rejecting heterosexuality? Could it be as simple as Bill Maher recently suggested, “The prime directive of every teen is,…