I’ve been wrestling with my gender identity for about twenty-five years, feeling disgusted about being a man and desiring to be a woman. Wow. In some ways, it seems crazy to me that I’ve walked this journey so long. So many memories surface, and all that has happened overwhelms me at times. Yet, through it all, I’ve grown, I’ve learned, and I’ve seen God’s faithfulness and His love. God has led me to a place where I have to die to myself and live for Him.
It’s such an honor to share my story.
I married my high school sweetheart, Phil, in 1997. We had a beautiful beautiful baby girl in 2001.
When we married, we were both walking with the Lord. After our daughter was born, Phil decided God was a myth, and our marriage became very difficult. We visited many counselors with no success, and we were divorced by 2008. I was bitter until God began to heal my broken heart, and the way God enabled me to love my ex-husband was truly miraculous. Phil and I became friends again and spent time together with and without our daughter.
Recently, a dear woman wrote me concerning a transgendered young man who attended the church where she was a member. She, along with several other parishioners, had been trying to minister to him. Like most people, however, they did not understand what this young man was going through or how to help him. One day, the young man asked her, “What is my sin?” She directed that question to me, and I would like to share with you my answer.