Release Control

In my journey toward healing, I often played a game of tug-of-war with God. I told Him I was handing the situation with my gender-confused dad over to Him, but I kept pulling it back toward me—trying one more solution on my own. I lived a long time under the “no one else” mentality: “If something is going to be done, I must do it” and “No one can help Dad but me.” Eventually though, I ran out of what-ifs, maybe-I-shoulds, and if-onlys. I was so exhausted and my hands were so bloody from rope burn that I had to…

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True Love Is Grounded in Truth

God calls us to a sacrificial love. Jesus told the Twelve, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13 ESV). Jesus loved us so much that he endured an excruciating death to purchase our redemption, but he never compromised on what he knew to be true about himself, about God the Father, or about us and our need for salvation. His love didn’t mean that he ignored our sinfulness: “Very truly, I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin … so if the Son sets you free,…

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You Are Not Alone!

“Loneliness rate edges up to 20%, highest level since the Covid-19 pandemic,” an October 2024 Gallup poll reported. That means one in five people battle this affliction. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one because they decided to pursue an LGBT lifestyle, you are one of those sufferers. You may agree with those polled who said they felt lonely “a lot of the day yesterday.” Have I poked an open wound? Then let me offer you some first-aid: you may be lonely, but you are not alone. How can I say that? Because God the Father said,…

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Never Beyond Reach

As Christmas draws near, you may dread another holiday separated from LGBT loved ones. Even if they’ve expressed interest in joining you, they may have set conditions and made demands you don’t want to accept. So your heart is heavy, your spirit wounded, and your mind confused. Is there any hope for this to be resolved? Yes. There is always hope. No one is ever beyond God’s reach. Consider the story of the Magi. Matthew 2:1–2 says, “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked,…

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God is Faithful!

My biggest problem in life has been pain. Pain from hurts, fears, traumas, and loneliness. Gender dysphoria was where I found relief from the pain and received pleasure. As a sixth-grade boy, I don’t know why I enjoyed thinking about being a girl and wearing female clothing. All I know is that I was the weird boy, the one that didn’t fit in anywhere. I just wanted the pain to stop, and I had this desire that when I followed it into my fantasy land, the pain would go away. I didn’t understand about choice. I knew it was wrong.…

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Encourage Your Children in Their Uniqueness

Gender Identity Dysphoria (GID or gender confusion) causes a person to become uncomfortable in their actual born gender. GID can be caused by a variety of reasons, including: low self-esteem, seeking same sex per acceptance, distant same sex parent, sexual/physical/verbal abuse, personality or obsessive disorder, etc. GID is not a one size fits all mentality. If a person continually says and believe they were born to be the opposite gender, they distort the truth in their own mind. Even children are self-diagnosing themselves and telling their parents that they are the opposite gender of which they were born. Special interest…

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The Collision Between Church, and Families, and Their Loved Ones in the LGBT

The collision between the church, countless families, and their loved ones in the LGBT community continues to demonstrate the powerful impact, especially on Christian businesses, of the US Supreme Court’s re-definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. Christians who deny the legitimacy of or fail to affirm the homosexual lifestyle are routinely denounced as homophobic, intolerant, even hateful. This intimidation tactic used for almost every LGBT-related issue should alarm us. It continues to rip apart Christ’s church by encouraging some denominations to endorse the LGBT lifestyle. Sadly, these churches shift away from their biblical stance, aided by religious leaders with…

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Let Your Speech Always be Gracious

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6 (ESV) Megan called me one afternoon to share her concern for a female coworker who was transitioning to become a man. “She’s my friend,” Megan said, “She wants me to use her preferred male name and pronouns, but I care about her health and emotional well-being. How can I demonstrate my love, respect, and concern for her without compromising my convictions?” I identified with Megan’s struggle because I, too, had wrestled with how to speak the truth…

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Are You Really Alone?

“I am not really alone, because the Father is with me.” John 16:32 (GNT) Have you ever been in that place? Being mindful of Christ Jesus’s presence can be difficult when our mind takes us in the direction of our pain. Feeling alone and distant from God after his daughter came out as transgender to him, Patrick reached out to me. He felt numb and couldn’t understand how his precious little girl had grown up into an adult who desired to be a man. Instead of being mindful of God’s presence, his mind went to all the should-haves and could-haves.…

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My Own Father Beleived

The International Journal of Transgenderism has published evidence that many patients regret their sex-reassignment surgery when they discover that the surgery failed to solve their real problems. Some subjects confessed that they had second thoughts about having the surgery. However, because they feared that they might never get another chance at the surgery, they kept those second thoughts to themselves (Kuiper, & Cohen-Kettenis 1998). My own father believed that becoming a woman would make his life more satisfying and fulfilling. He, like so many others, then discovered that fulfilling his fantasy did not give him the inner peace he’d sought…

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