Encourage Your Children in Their Uniqueness

Gender Identity Dysphoria (GID or gender confusion) causes a person to become uncomfortable in their actual born gender. GID can be caused by a variety of reasons, including: low self-esteem, seeking same sex per acceptance, distant same sex parent, sexual/physical/verbal abuse, personality or obsessive disorder, etc. GID is not a one size fits all mentality. … Read more

The Collision Between Church, and Families, and Their Loved Ones in the LGBT

The collision between the church, countless families, and their loved ones in the LGBT community continues to demonstrate the powerful impact, especially on Christian businesses, of the US Supreme Court’s re-definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. Christians who deny the legitimacy of or fail to affirm the homosexual lifestyle are routinely denounced as homophobic, … Read more

Let Your Speech Always be Gracious

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Colossians 4:6 (ESV) Megan called me one afternoon to share her concern for a female coworker who was transitioning to become a man. “She’s my friend,” Megan said, “She wants me to use her … Read more

Are You Really Alone?

“I am not really alone, because the Father is with me.” John 16:32 (GNT) Have you ever been in that place? Being mindful of Christ Jesus’s presence can be difficult when our mind takes us in the direction of our pain. Feeling alone and distant from God after his daughter came out as transgender to … Read more

My Own Father Beleived

The International Journal of Transgenderism has published evidence that many patients regret their sex-reassignment surgery when they discover that the surgery failed to solve their real problems. Some subjects confessed that they had second thoughts about having the surgery. However, because they feared that they might never get another chance at the surgery, they kept … Read more

Embracing Masculinity in a Changing Society

I was waiting to board a flight when I noticed two young men that appeared to be a couple. One of the men appeared to be approximately 18 to 20 years old. He had a dark complication, black hair, and brown eyes. But perhaps most noticeable about him was the strong feminine body language he … Read more

When Transgender Behaviors Emerge in the Church

When transgender behaviors emerge in a church, its members are often startled. Some become uncomfortable and confused. Church leaders are likely uncertain of how to respond. A basic question many ask is, “What does the Bible have to say on this matter?” The primary Bible verse that appears to address the issue of transgender behavior … Read more

As summer approaches, love is in the air

As summer approaches, love is the air. Does this sound familiar? Love should be something expressed in each day of life. Loving someone as God loves us does not change, not in reality? Many have been told in no uncertain terms, if we don’t accept the decisions of a loved one in a same sex … Read more

He knows his mom’s love is ever present!

He knows his mom’s love is ever present!