As Summer Approaches, Love is in the Air

As summer approaches, love is the air. Does this sound familiar? Love should be something expressed in each day of life. Loving someone as God loves us does not change, not in reality? Many have been told in no uncertain terms, if we don’t accept the decisions of a loved one in a same sex relationship or transitioning to the opposite sex, we don’t truly love our love one.

But in truth, our love does not diminish due to how he or she has decided to live their life. Yet cultural tells us otherwise, and sometimes this causes the family members to second guess what love truly is. For instance, accepting ones’ gay or transgender life means “love.” There is a difference between accepting sin and the false assumption that Christians show this as an example of love. What would Jesus say to this? He presents the ways we should live our lives, not only to honor Him, but to keep us safe from falling into sin and temptation through our brokenness. But may we remember not one of us are perfect, we are all sinners.

To follow Christ, and exhibit His love for others, we should use the instructions our lives after the life of Jesus Christ. “He made Himself nothing” Phil 2:7) and desires each of us to be a servant and win others to Him. May Jesus Christ use our genuine love and reflect His love for our loved one in and through the trials and tribulations we may face. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. (Phil 2:14-15).

God’s love is personal. He knows each of us individually and loves us. His love is mighty and has no beginning and no end. It is experiencing God’s love that draws us close to Him. God’s love is what will draw our loved ones’ to Him. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs Corinthians 4-5). Loving people is not option for us, it is the greatest commandment of God.

As many of you, when my dad left and to pursue love of being a woman and company of men, my love did not stop. If it had, my heart ached deeply. I don’t share the world view of love and what it means to love. Do you? Don’t become anxious about the cultural message of what love is, but rather know deep in your heart your love is real.

May we learn a deeper understanding of your love God. Oh hear our prayers to lead our loved ones to your bosom, where they will find perfect love and a Savior offering redemption. Amen.

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