Why Did Jesus Come as a Baby?

When God decided to reveal Himself to us, He didn’t come in a fiery chariot, leading a vast angelic army. Neither did He come as a towering giant, crushing the insignificant with every step. No, he chose one of the most helpless beings in all creation: a human baby. Why? The theological answer is Jesus … Read more

The Collision Between Church, and Families and Their Loved Ones in the LGBT

The collision between the church, countless families, and their loved ones in the LGBT community continues to demonstrate the powerful impact, especially on Christian businesses, of the US Supreme Court’s re-definition of marriage to include same-sex unions. Christians who deny the legitimacy of or fail to affirm the homosexual lifestyle are routinely denounced as homophobic, … Read more

I Believed I was a Girl

I’ve wrestled with gender identity for about twenty-five years, yet through it all, I’ve seen God’s faithfulness and love. Born into a family that loved the Lord, I put my faith in Jesus at age five. My adoption into His family and the Holy Spirit’s presence have provided protection and a tether to hold on … Read more

Sufficient Grace

Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? 2 Corinthians 11:28–29 When have you used the phrase “besides everything else” in a conversation about an additional task or responsibility placed on your shoulders? In Paul’s second letter to the … Read more

Tell a Lie Long Enough, You Begin to Believe It

I have often heard men confess that they have thoughts that something was wrong with them, that they should have been born female. If they hear the thoughts and whispers often enough, they begin to believe them, especially when the lies have haunted them since their childhood. Consider this: When an adult male says he … Read more

Understanding the Complexities of Hormonal Intervention in Gender Transition

Many transgendered people will seek out ways to transition from their birth gender to the opposite gender.  Whether or not transgendered persons actually pursue sex reassignment surgery, it is not uncommon for some individuals to engage in hormone therapies.  With more acceptance of GID and educational and mental health organizations promoting that these individuals pursue … Read more

As Summer Approaches, Love is in the Air

As summer approaches, love is the air. Does this sound familiar? Love should be something expressed in each day of life. Loving someone as God loves us does not change, not in reality? Many have been told in no uncertain terms, if we don’t accept the decisions of a loved one in a same sex … Read more

Jesus Came to Heal

Jesus Came to Heal. After a 10-year uphill journey, I no longer see myself as the ex-wife of a transgender individual. I am Ester. God did something for me, and he’ll do it for you because he’s no respecter of persons. I’ve been through a storm, as many of you have. I looked up the … Read more