How much can one person endure

How much can one person endure? That thought may have crossed Horatio Spafford’s mind when he crossed the Atlantic on his way to reunite with his wife in England and passed the very spot where his four precious daughters had drowned. If he did ponder that question, he must have prayed and found solace, for … Read more

Do you need a heart bypass?

If you feel heaviness, pressure, aching, and/or burning in your chest, you’d better get to the doctor, because you could have coronary artery disease, which can be deadly. If the disease is advanced, bypass surgery could be required. That surgery will unblock clogged arteries, allowing blood to flow freely again that would over burden the … Read more

Life Changes

The mother’s heart grieved as the son God had created and blessed her with walked deeper into the gay (original text is GID) lifestyle. Six long years she watched him pursue this deception and turn his back on all who loved him. As Joseph was taken from his homeland to be sold to an Egyptian … Read more

Wishes for Christmas

Denise and the Staff and Board of Living Stones Ministries wish to send a Merry Christmas to you. As Christmas approaches, know you are in my prayers. May you be filled with joy and laughter as you celebrate our Lord’s birth. You are treasured by God and by us, and we are thankful for the … Read more

Dear Friend,

Dear Friend, As family and friends begin to make plans for Thanksgiving, the observance is expected to be filled with food and laughter, celebrating the holiday that started with the pilgrim’s grateful hearts, way back in 1621. As this year’s celebration draws closer, plans to celebrate with a big and fabulous meal go into motion. … Read more

Healing & Restoration: Written by former transgender

Healing and restoration is a process. Let’s be honest, it doesn’t happen as quickly as many of us wish. I had to first begin to painfully expose my secrets to trustworthy brothers and sisters in the Church. While I fully expected their rejection, I experienced instead their love and care, acceptance and compassion. This simple act … Read more

The Vision of the Marriage Car

We come to God’s Altar and we make our marriage vows. I said, “I choose you, _________ to be my beloved husband. You said, “I choose you, _________, to be my beloved wife. Together we said. “From this day forward, to become one with you and to share all that is to come, and I … Read more

Do Genetics Rule?

Like so many others have done, do now, and will do when they search for their identity, I was looking for my core sense of who I was. Is one’s identity tied inexorably to his or her genetics and genealogy? Are we destined to be the product of our ancestors’ genetics and parenting styles? Can … Read more

The Real Attack

Job seemed to have an established, solid identity: blameless, upright, God-fearing, wealthy man. For a time, Satan stole that identity from him. But Job’s identity—and his wealth—was restored when he came to fully understand God’s identity as the sovereign creator and judge. But something much bigger was going on in Satan’s attack on Job. Satan … Read more

He Created Them

The Bible tells us God created the world and everything in it, including humans; the Bible reveals both human sin and every person’s need of a savior from sin. The Bible also plainly states God created just two genders: “When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and … Read more