How Do You Pray?

Have you ever admitted to God, “I’m done. There’s nothing left of me”? What can we do? The Word of God directs us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Yet we often forget to pray consistently, passionately. In fact, we may pray only when we feel desperate or hopeless. How can we move toward … Read more

Childhood hurts are not forgotten

H4F Blog Childhood hurts are not forgotten How important is the influence of each parent to the overall health of a developing child? Molly, a former female to male transgender, wrote, “I really believed that somehow my parents divorce was my fault, that if I had been the son my father wanted, he would not … Read more

Heath’s Journey

Even as a child I suspected something was different about my dad—and not only because he was so distant from my siblings and me. He seemed to be unable relate to children, and he had no idea how to express love to any of us. Even when he was physically nearby, he wasn’t really there. … Read more

Peace Has Come

In a perfect world, Christmas is a time to of happiness, peace, and smiles as everyone celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. But we don’t live in a perfect world. Problems exist, hearts are heavy, and the struggle can be painful for families of LGBT loved ones. We can allow the emotional and mental challenges … Read more

Have You Ever Felt Hopeless?

Many times families feel desperate and hopeless. I empathize with what they are muddling through when a loved one identifies as a homosexual. Hopelessness appears to be swallowing them up in their despair. Joy and Rob felt that way. They were barely able to sleep at night after their daughter declared she was “gay.” Joy … Read more