Another Chapter

Because of my Dad’s porn struggle, my parents divorced when I young. Though the church tried to help him, he wasn’t willing to be accountable. He thought he’d be able to overcome the addiction on his own, but the enemy knew better. Our family was devastated by his porn addiction. My parents’ marriage was destroyed, … Read more

Spiritual Warfare

By Sherry Holt My sweet mother, God love her, developed a neurological problem in the latter part of her life, and as her breakdown started, her memory would come and go. She knew that I was divorced and living alone, but she didn’t remember why (which was a blessing to me). She said to a … Read more

Peace Has Come

In a perfect world, Christmas is a time to of happiness, peace, and smiles as everyone celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. But we don’t live in a perfect world. Problems exist, hearts are heavy, and the struggle can be painful for families of LGBT loved ones. We can allow the emotional and mental challenges … Read more

Have You Ever Felt Hopeless?

Many times families feel desperate and hopeless. I empathize with what they are muddling through when a loved one identifies as a homosexual. Hopelessness appears to be swallowing them up in their despair. Joy and Rob felt that way. They were barely able to sleep at night after their daughter declared she was “gay.” Joy … Read more